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Blogging 101: Today’s assignment: write and publish a “who I am and why I’m here” post on your blog.

Who am I?  I’m a mom first and foremost. Sometimes a good example and sometimes a bad example of motherhood but a mom none the less.  A wife.  A grandmother.  A daughter.  A sister.  A friend.   A Licensed Massage Therapist.  A Licensed Aesthetician.  A big dog lover.  A wine enthusiast.  An “OK” cook.  A person who’s never satisfied with the status quo.  A crafter.  A movie critic.  A voracious reader.  An old softball player. An Aries (and all that goes with it).

Why am I here?  I’m here to learn from other people who have this blogging thing figured out.  I’m here to step outside of my own comfort zone and to take risks and challenge myself everyday.  I’m here to find my voice and learn how to put my ideas into totally intelligent and thought provoking writing.  I’d like to find my niche and turn this into a money making blog.  I’d like to be able to tell a story to make others understand and feel what I’m feeling.  I’m here to share stories, recipes, pictures and experiences.  And I’m here to make friends and have a good time.


Friday Night Date Night

Friday Night Date Night

I’m so lucky to live in an area where nature is at its finest.  My husband and I had our Date Night last night.  Do you and your significant other have date nights?  We’ve been doing this for several years now and have found that even though the kids have moved away and we’re officially “Empty Nesters” we still keep this tradition alive.

We’ve had some nasty storms that have come through these last couple days, so it was good to get out and explore.  We went to Damon Point State Park. We set out about 3:30, the sun sets here between 4 and 5:00 so we knew that we wouldn’t be able to walk to the end of the point in full daylight so we settled for midway.  We brought along some snacks for munching on and thermos of wine and plastic wine glasses and headed out.  Here is what we found, I hope you like it because the views took our breath away

The road leading onto Damon Point was washed away some years ago, but as you can see, it’s still beautiful. As we were walking, I just kept shooting pictures.  It was so beautiful.  And it looks like we made it on time to see the show. The sunset was breathtaking. You know, as I’m writing this I have to laugh.  I’m so weird! I love sunsets and I’m always curious to know what other people’s sunsets are like.  That’s weird, right? No matter where you are in the world, you’re always going to have a sunrise and a sunset, right?! I’m not saying I’m obsessed or anything like that.  It’s like raising babies.  They’re FREE entertainment.  And who doesn’t like FREE?!?  This is a free show nature puts on for us every night.  Why not grab a bottle of wine, a blanket and watch the show. So I have two questions for you, and they’re pretty obvious…..

Do you and your significant other go on date nights? If so, what’s your favorite thing to do? And, what is your sunset like wherever you are?  Ok, ok, I know, it’s like three questions but as my peeps will tell you, I’m not so good at math. Ok, I’m going to shut up now and let you look at the pretty scenery.  But if you ever get a chance to go to Damon Point State Park in Ocean Shores, WA, I may just see you there!

Gotta go be with my hottie! Cya all next time.